Trees & Planning
Trees & Construction (BS5837:2012)
Trees are very easily damaged by building and engineering work, such that special care needs to be taken to consider the impact of these works, not only on the above ground parts of the tree, but more importantly the below ground parts. It is also essential to evaluate what impact trees will have on the completed project and to seek a harmonious relationship with that project.
We aim to provide practical advice to large volume developers, engineers and homeowners alike on the implications of their proposals on trees and whether a harmonious solution may be found.
It is well documented that trees provide a broad range of tangible benefits to development from increased property values to noise reduction. The retention of the right trees in the right place can therefore bring major benefits to a project as well as fulfil a range of sustainability and ecological criteria.
All our advice is in line with the recommendations set out in BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to construction - Recommendations. Click on the image to the left to see the BS5837 Process Chart.
A M Lane Ltd are able to arrange Topographical Surveys of the site and our office can handle a broad range of electronic plan formats e.g. pdf, dxf, dwg, cdr as well as paper copies.
This service applies equally to those projects requiring planning permission, those undertaken under permitted rights and those that don't need permission. Where trees are affected we can provide practical time saving advice.
Pre Purchase & Pre Development Advice
Trees can present a major constraint on development proposals as well as enhance them. Before committing to either the purchase of a development plot or beginning the expensive process of design we can offer an assessment of the likely tree constraints on site. This can include a full tree constraints assessment or a simple site evaluation. In both cases a search can be made for any tree related protection affecting the site such as Tree Preservation Orders.
Clients have found this to be an invaluable service which can result in considerable financial and time savings.
Tree Constraints Plans, Tree Protection Plans & Method Statements
To inform the design process and support your planning application, or discharge tree related conditions on a current planning permission, A M Lane Ltd can offer a bespoke service to the developer, engineer or home owner.
We will undertake a survey of all the arboricultural features on and immediately adjacent to your site in accordance with the requirements of BS5837:2005. We assign a tree retention category based on the criteria set out in the standard and calculate the root protection areas for those trees that can be retained. From this data we can draw up a Tree Constraints Plan showing which trees may be removed, which can or should be retained and what the physical constraints will be for any proposed development. This plan and an arboricultural impact assessment (AIA) will help to inform the design process.
Once the design has been agreed we can prepare a Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statements to support your planning application. We specialise in difficult sites with major space constraints, working in conjunction with engineers and local planning authorities to find solutions to ground protection issues.
Arboricultural Site Management & Tree Protection
Where trees are implicated in development and planning permission has been granted, certain conditions may be applied to the implementation of the Tree Protection Plan. Many of these planning conditions are 'pre-commencement' conditions and not dealing with them before you start work onsite can jeopardise the permission and significantly slow the start.
We are able to provide practical advice on how to implement the agreed tree protection plans as well as arrange for specialist contractors to carry out tree works and erect fencing.
Once in place A M Lane Ltd are able to provide a supervision service whereby periodic checks of the tree protection is made, contractors are briefed and direct supervision of works within restricted areas is made. This is recorded on an Arboricultural Site Supervision Log which is submitted on completion of the project, to discharge the tree protection conditions.
Clients have found that appointing a competent Arboricultural Clerk of Works to oversee tree issues has prevented costly delays where practical tree and construction related issues need resolution, and has ensured minimal interference from the local planning authority with an easy sign off at the end of the project.
Key Words
Devon Tree Consultancy, Tree Consultant, Tree Surveys, Tree Safety, Tree Inspections, BS5837 Advice, LOLER Inspections, Arboricultural Consultancy, Safety Consultancy, safety Training, Devon Arboricultural Consultancy, SW Tree Consultant, SW Tree Surveys, Tailgate Training, Chartered Forester, Chartered Arboriculturalist, Arboreal Consultant, southwest tree survey, somerset tree survey, tree inspector, decay detection, aerial tree inspection, tree surveyor, tree protection plan, arboricultural method statement, tree constraints plan, tree protection order, treeworks application, Torbay tree survey, Torbay tree inspection, Torquay tree, Paignton tree, Devon tree, risk assessment, small business H&S, small business advice, QTRA, quantified tree risk assessment.