Register of Tree Work Operatives is Launched
Post date: 02-Jun-2015 07:07:46
The Register of Tree Work Operatives (R2) is to be officially launched at the 2015 Arb Show to be held at Westonbirt Arboretum this year on the 5th & 6th June. We are proud to be part of the team that has brought this important innovation to reality over the last 3 years. This project has the potential to revolutionise the way we think about competency within the tree work industry, placing experience at the heart of a stepwise progression from entry level to master tree worker. Firmly aimed at the individual worker it allows members to track training, qualifications, industry and specific skills experience using a simple to use online tool. Skills and enhancements can be added as you progress with peer review and validation. Business managers can access their employees records by agreement and use this to manage individual portfolios of certification as well as have a one stop shop to demonstrate individual competency. Log on and get on with promoting your career!