Local Authority Services
A M Lane Ltd have been working with district and county councils for over 8 years and in that time have fulfilled a wide variety of roles. Currently we hold contracts and provide advice for a number of local authorities.
Our relationship with each of these major clients varies from formal contracts won through an open tendering process to a more informal adhoc requirement. In each case we have developed partnership working arrangements with each authority, based on absolute integrity and the drive to deliver a best value service.
Development Control
We can offer a TPO application and Section 211notification consultation service, working within the time restrictions applied to local authorities. This includes site visits, appraisals and reporting to the relevant officers.
A great deal of our local authority experience has been in dealing with planning applications and providing robust advice to planning officers or tree officers regarding planning submissions. This advice reflects the councils prevailing local plan, LDF and Core Objectives where required. We have also represented local authorities at appeals and site inspections.
TPO Review
A M Lane Ltd has undertaken TPO reviews for Torbay Council and Sedgemoor District Council. This has involved desktop exercises in determining which TPOs to review and making the onsite evaluation. We are able to plot out TPO data direct to GIS using the latest MapInfo tm Software. This enables us to handle the council owned mapping and deliver data that can be imported into the councils own system.
A report can be prepared for each TPO reviewed, which is supported by mapping and photographs.
As part of our review service we are able to provide the TPO Plan, Schedule 1 and Regulation 3 detail to aid the serving of any new TPOs.
Council Owned Tree Stock
We can provide a comprehensive survey and inspection service based on the latest methodology. This includes trees on all council managed or owned property from housing to highways. Our surveyors have access to the latest infield data capture equipment and we operate a range of data management software systems to include EzyTreevtm , which we can either hold on licence from the local authority or secure our own licence.
In addition to basic survey and inspection, we also offer a more detailed aerial and decay inspection of trees, with detailed reporting, as well as appraisal of subsidence claims made against the council.
We have extensive experience of addressing tree related issues raised against the council via the councils enquiry systems. Our impartial and independent opinion commonly finds solutions to ongoing issues between residents and council owned trees.
Tree Officer Cover
Whether for maternity leave, long term sick or work programming, we are able to provide a range of cover options. We have experienced surveyors able to cover more junior roles as well as more experienced consultants able to tackle more complex requirements.
High Hedge Cases
High Hedge investigations can be complex and time consuming. We have been providing this service for Torbay Council since 2008, taking the case from validation through to the issuing of a remedial notice if required.
The benefits of using an impartial third party for the site inspections and decisions can be invaluable.
Devon Tree Consultancy, Tree Consultant, Tree Surveys, Tree Safety, Tree Inspections, BS5837 Advice, LOLER Inspections, Arboricultural Consultancy, Safety Consultancy, safety Training, Devon Arboricultural Consultancy, SW Tree Consultant, SW Tree Surveys, Tailgate Training, Chartered Forester, Chartered Arboriculturalist, Arboreal Consultant, southwest tree survey, somerset tree survey, tree inspector, decay detection, aerial tree inspection, tree surveyor, tree protection plan, arboricultural method statement, tree constraints plan, tree protection order, treeworks application.