TPO Applications & Appeals

Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Applications

If you have a tree or trees covered by a TPO, before undertaking any pruning works to the tree you are required to make an application to the local planning authority using a nationwide standard form. Click here to view or download the government guidance.

Some works are covered by exemption, however it is best to seek advice from your local council tree officer or give us a call for no obligation advice.

These forms are normally available for download from your local council or you can submit your application online via the government website at

Many local councils require an application to be supported by an arboricultural report and advice. We are not tree surgeons and any advice given is purely for the benefit of the tree and client. We are able to make an application on your behalf or provide the necessary reports to support your application if your require.

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Conservation Areas

If a tree in a conservation area has a trunk diameter over 75mm measured at 1.5m from ground level, then it is protected by that conservation area. Before undertaking any works to the tree you will need to notify the local council of your intention. Local councils have notification forms available on their website or you can use the same forms as required for a TPO application.

Again A M Lane Ltd are able to offer advice and submit the necessary forms on your behalf if required.

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TPO Appeals & Objections

Has your TPO application been refused or have the local council made a tree the subject of a TPO, on or near your property, that you think should not be protected? We are here to help with unbiased and straightforward advice.

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Key Words

Devon Tree Consultancy, Tree Consultant, Tree Surveys, Tree Safety, Tree Inspections, BS5837 Advice, LOLER Inspections, Arboricultural Consultancy, Safety Consultancy, safety Training, Devon Arboricultural Consultancy, SW Tree Consultant, SW Tree Surveys, Tailgate Training, Chartered Forester, Chartered Arboriculturalist, Arboreal Consultant, southwest tree survey, somerset tree survey, tree inspector, decay detection, aerial tree inspection, tree surveyor, tree protection plan, arboricultural method statement, tree constraints plan, tree protection order, treeworks application.